“Caregiving in Crisis”: Celebrating National Caregiving Month in 2020 

by: Melanie Farley  


Each November, Northeast Adult Day Care joins organizations from all over the country to celebrate National Caregiving month. This year’s theme is “Caregiving Around the Clock,” which feels like an apt way to acknowledge the more than 40 million Americans who dedicate themselves selflessly to caring for their loved ones.

 It is our honor each year to celebrate caregiver’s compassion and selflessness, by acknowledging their hard work and sacrifice for their loved ones. So how can you celebrate National Caregiving Month this year? Here are 3 suggestions!




Celebrate a Caregiver You Know 

Do you know someone who tirelessly supports an elderly or ill loved one? Caregivers are often facing challenges that seem impossible to navigate between caring for their loved ones and managing their ordinary responsibilities.

Maybe it’s time to reach out to a caregiver you know and offer your support and encouragement. Why not offer to ease a caregiver’s burden supplying a home cooked meal, a bouquet of flowers, or some other gesture to show that you care and appreciate them.


Educate Yourself 

According to the National Alliance for Caregiving, caregivers now make up more than 1 in 5 Americans. And, the number of Americans who care for elderly or disabled relatives has increased by 9.5 million since 2015. That means it’s incredibly likely that you know someone who is caring for an elderly or disabled relative.

This November, educate yourself about the many Americans offering caregiving services to their relatives by attending a virtual event or downloading a virtual toolkit filled with helpful caregiving resources


Encourage Self  Care

We all need time to breathe and take care of ourselves. Research has shown that 70% of caregivers do not see their doctor regularly because of their responsibilities. Caregiving around-the-clock is never easy, but if your loved one takes a break, you rest, too.

If you know a caregiver who needs a break, offer to help them with a task to ease their burdens, and don’t forget to offer them your love and support throughout the year!


To sum up . . .

Caregiving is a tough job. Caregivers work long days and spent countless hours to anticipate the needs of their loved ones: arranging meals, transportation, doctor’s visits, and more. That’s why it’s so important to celebrate them. A caregiver’s hard work and empathy show us that all human life is inherently valuable, and we are so grateful for them.

